Barbershops of America - Angel's Barbershop

Barbershops of America is beautifully curated coffee table book and photographic essay by a good friend of ours, Rob Hammer.

In creating the essay, Rob spent the better part of three years on the road visiting all 50 states of America in search of old barber shops that represent their place in history. During that time he travelled over 50,000 miles and visited roughly 750 barbershops. Only 75 of the best made it to the book.

You might recall when we first celebrated what Rob put together. We thought it was time to open the book once again to shine light on some of the best in the industry.

Angel Delgadillo - Angel’s Barbershop - Seligman, Arizona

Angel Delgadillo is something of a legend in the barbering world.

His father started a Pool Hall/Barbershop in their home town of Seligman way back in the day. Unfortunately, he couldn’t make the Pool Hall work, thankfully, however, the Barbershop business kept the family afloat.

When Angel was asked by his parents to take over his father’s barber business, he started school right away. And when he finished, the old shop was there waiting for him just the same as it was the day it closed.

In 1948, Angel set to work on the Pool Hall, bringing it back up to standard with the help of his Father’s tools. He stayed there for 22 years until moving to the current location on Route 66.

At 92 years old Angel keeps a busier schedule that most people half his age. Not only are cuts and shaves a regular thing, his days are also filled with demands for interviews and podcasts.

His hearing might not be what it once was, but when you talk to him, it’s obvious he still has a youthful outlook on life and a strong desire to help people. If you want to see the effect he’s had, look no further than the walls of his shop, which are one of a kind.

Angel isn’t sure if anyone even remembers what the walls look like anymore, since they are completely covered in the business cards of people he has cut over the years.

All of this says a lot considering Seligman’s location. Sure, it’s on Route 66. Other than that, though there isn’t much around, so making it a destination for a haircut is a commitment.

Angel has seen a lot during his time as a Barber. He’ll gladly tell you all about it in detail too. His memory is steel trap of knowledge. He knows down to the hour when barber college started, when he re-opened the shop, and when the town itself died for about a decade. 10 years of economic depression isn’t easy for anyone to endure. Yet Angel did it all while putting children through college, maintaining a positive attitude along the way.

Angel and his family are as he says, “people of yesterday”. Not concerned with the fast-moving world or a life dominated by money. He lives to help and wants more than anything for you to leave his chair happy.

After roughly 70 years as a barber his standards are as high and his hands as steady as they’ve ever been.


Barbershops of America - Angel's Barbershop from Uppercut Deluxe on Vimeo.


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